Stitched rainbow background cards.

Hi, I've been busy making end of year teacher presents and cards, which I will share on another day, but I have also been stitching on cards while watching TV or sitting in the sunshine with the family in the evenings. Here's the first two cards I made, with the first two backgrounds I stitched. This was my first background with full cross stitches. This was my second background and I used half cross stitches. I invested in a die set that cut the little holes into the card as I have cross stitched since I was a child, but I rarely end up using what I stitched, so I thought making cards with the results would be a fun change! This is the die set I bought, it was an unbranded set I got on AliExpress, so was inexpensive, but took a few weeks to arrive! The larger die came with a small strip as well that I haven't used yet. I found that the die cut pretty well, but was much better if I used a metal shim with it in my BigShot, I think the same applies to a ...